The Sanishower: A Clean Approach To Shower Installation!

The SANISHOWER: A "clean" approach to shower installation! When undergoing bathroom renovations, have you ever considered installing a shower in your home only to discover that the necessary drainpipes don’t exist? This is a common problem, but homeowners will be relieved to hear that Saniflo has a solution: the SANISHOWER. The SANISHOWER is an under counter pump that removes wastewater from a sink or shower into a 3 or 4-inch sanitary drain, and can be installed without any major renovations. The unit is a discreet under counter pump that is small enough to fit underneath a raised shower base or vanity. It is designed to connect to the vent system of the house, and can be attached to fixtures such as a shower, vanity sink or kafe sink. When installing a shower, the shower base must be raised by 6 to 8 inches to accommodate a P-trap, as well ensure that there is enough slope from the P-trap into the pump. When installing the SANISHOWER, it is important th...