Declutter Your Bathroom In Time For Fall // Désencombrez Votre Salle De Bains À Temps Pour L’Automne

With fall upon us the morning routine is coming back with a vengeance, and nothing is worse than a cluttered bathroom slowing you and your team down. If you haven’t already prepared for this, there no time like the present to get your bathroom in tip top shape as the recurring morning rush has kicked into full gear. Divide and conquer: Go through your bathroom “hideaways” section by section. Start with under the sink or linen closet (get the worst out of the way first), and move through the cabinets, drawers etc. Take the time to sort through the clutter. Try dividing the items into “keep”, “toss” and “donate” piles to help you stay organized. Make the hard decisions: Bathrooms can be a treasure trove of forgotten items, expired medications, old makeup, broken hair tools and more. If it’s old, broken, expired or you never use it then get rid of it. Follow a great closet organization tip – if you haven’t touched it in a year, it’s just a waste of space. Get Organi...