Transforming An Unused Basement Into A New Laundry Room Homeowner Talks With Saniflo // Transformer Un Sous-Sol Inutilisé En Une Nouvelle Salle De Lavage Un Propriétaire De Maison S’Entretient Avec Saniflo
Saniflo Canada sat down with Mark Venters, of Venters Recruits, to discuss how Saniflo helped solve his basement plumbing challenge and what the experience has been like: Can you share a little bit about your plumbing renovation challenge? We have a basement in our house and have a lot of unused space down there. We wanted to add a laundry room to the area to help maximize it but traditional plumbing posed a real problem. Our house is on a septic system and the sewer line is suspended at the basement ceiling. How did Saniflo solve this perkara for you? The Saniflo unit allowed us to install our washer and sink underneath the sewer line and pump wastewater up to the main line. Plus the unit is very small and it was easy to hide, helping to make the area look nice as well as be functional. It transformed the space for us, when nothing else would have been possible. Where did you first hear about Saniflo as a solution for this type of plumbing problem? ...