Energy Efficiency Tips For The Fall And Winter // Conseils D’Efficacité Énergétique Pour L’Automne Et L’Hiver

As the weather turns colder, many households tend to increase their energy consumption. Less daylight and colder temperatures usually mean higher heat and electricity bills so making some simple changes around your home can help you control your utility bills. Here are some simple strategies for saving energy and money during the fall and winter months. 1. Let the sun in On warmer, sunny days open the curtains on south-facing windows to let the sun shine in and help heat your home for free. Remember to close them again when the sun goes down in order to keep the heat in longer and to help insulate your home’s windows. 2. Seal air leaks and cracks According to Hydro Quebec, air leaks and cold drafts account for up to 25% of a home’s heat loss . Do a walk through your house and run your hand around the frames of all your windows and exterior doors to check for air leaks. Seal these cracks with caulking or weatherstripping to stop the air leaks. 3. Set lights on a ti...