Saniflo Is Committed To Global Water Accessibility And Celebrates All Plumbers On World Plumbing Day 2017 /// Journée Mondiale De La Plomberie 2017: Saniflo Réitère Son Engagement

Like every year, SANIFLO renews its commitment to the World Plumbing Day, March 11th by supporting a project in Togo in Gbatopé Village. In Togo, only 12% of the population has access to clean water and decent sanitary installations. In this village of 5.542 people, only 5 fountains and 2 toilets are available, and the equipment is in rather bad condition. SANIFLO through French NGO "Hydrauliques Sans Frontières" offers financial support to a construction and renovation project in order to improve living conditions of the local population, improving access to water and to better sanitary equipment. This project will help building 7 additional water fountains and 4 additional latrines in the village which will provide to the village community with clean water and toilets located close to villagers' houses. This financial support will also help raising awareness on the importance of using toilets for better sanitary conditions. It will a...